Wednesday, April 4, 2012

HONEY is the ONE food that NEVER goes bad

Who knew?

You're making a recipe and suddenly realize that you need honey.  You remember vaguely seeing some in the back corner of the cupboard.  Thankfully, it really is there and you pull it out to use it, only to realize it has crystallized.  You're going to have to go to the store, after all, and buy... wait a minute, there.  Hold on to your horses.  Honey never goes bad.  So what if it has crystallized?  All you do is throw it in the microwave (if it has a metal lid on the jar, please take the lid off.  I don't want you burning your house down) for 45 seconds.  Take it out, stir it up a bit (or shake it if it's in a plastic container).  Continue to microwave it in 45 second bursts until it is back to it's regular consistency.  You can also place the container (if it's glass, not sure how plastic containers would fare) in a pot of boiling water and that will do the same thing.  It does lose a little of it's nutritional value over time, but never again throw away that crystallized jar of honey.  Unless said crystallized jar of honey contains mold.  You CAN throw THAT puppy away.

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