Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Homemade Dryer 'Sheets'


1 bottle fabric softener (your choice and size)
4 sponges
1 air-tight container that will hold all of your ingredients
Pour one bottle of fabric softener in the (I suggest lidded) container of your choice and another bottle and a half (use the empty fabric softener bottle you just emptied) of water.  Add 2-4 sponges.  When you are ready to use your homemade dryer 'sheets', simply wring out 2 of the sponges and toss them in the dryer.  Voila!  Reusable dryer 'sheets'.  Be sure and label your reusable dryer 'sheet' container.  It might be nice to also note on the label which fabric softener you have included :-)

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